Slang Words

Commonly used Slang word
Ace- Very Good
Action- Excitement
Airhead- Stupid Person
All Wet- Completely Wrong
All Wet- Completely Wrong
An All-Nighter- Studying All Night
Antifreeze- Liquor
Armpit- Undesirable Place
Awesome- Great
Barfed- Vomited
Bashed- Crushed
Beat- Exhausted
Beemer- B.M.W. Car
Benched- Taken Out Of The Game
Bent- Angry
Bent Out Of Shape- Become Upset
Big Guns- Powerful People
Big Mouth- Talk Too Much
Big Stink- Big Issue
Blade- KnifeBlimp- Very Fat Person
Blow- Leave / LostBlow A Fuse- Loss Your Temper
Blow One'S Cool- Become AngryBlown Away- Greatly Impressed
Bomb- BadBombed- Intoxicated
Bonkers- CrazyBoo-Boo- Mistake
Booze- AlcoholBread- Money
Break It Up- StopBring-Down- Depression
Buck- DollarBummed- Depressed
Bummer- Bad ExperienceBust- Failure
Buy It- DieCall- Prediction
Can- BathroomCarb- Carburetor
Catch Some Rays- Get Some Sun ShineCatch Some Z'S – Get Some Sleep
Cheesy- CheapChicken- Coward
Chintzy- CheapChow Down – Eat A Lot
Clip – CheatClunker – Old Car
Cold Fish – DullCollar – Arrest
Come Up For Air – Take A BreakCon – Deceive
Cop – StoleCouch Potato – Lazy Person
Crack Open A Bottle – OpenCram – Study Hard
Cream – BeatCroak – Die
Cruise – Going Very FastCushy – Easy
Cut – DiluteCut Out – Leave
Dead – QuiteDeck – Knocked Down
Deep Pockets – Is A Good Source Of MoneyDirty- An Obscene
Ditch- LeaveDo A Snow Job On- Deceive
Dope- Stupid Person / DrugDork- Strange Person
Dough- MoneyDown- Drink Quickly
Drag- BoringDynamite- Great/ Powerful
Earful- A Lot Of GossipEasy Mark- Likely Victims
Eat- BotheringFace- Off- Confrontation
Far-Out- GreatFix- Dose Of Drugs
Flaky- UnreliableFlashback- Remembered
Flick- MovieFlip Out- Lost Control
Flip Side- Other SideFox- Very Attractive
Foxy- SexyFreebie- A Free Thing
Get Into Something- Become Seriously InterestingGet It- Understand
Get With It- Hurry UpGig- Job
Glitch- DefectGlitzy- Fashionable
Go- TryGo Bananas- Go Crazy
Go Down- HappeningGoof- Fool
Goof Up- Made A Serious MistakeGoofy- Silly
Gourd- HeadGrand- Thousand Dollar
Gravy- Easy MoneyGroovy- Pleasant
Gross- DisgustingGroos Out- Disgusting Time
Grub- FoodGrubby- Unclean And Untidy
Grungy- DirtyGut- Stomach / Basic
Guts- CourageHairy- Dangerous
Hammer- AcceleratorHang It Up- Quit
Hang Loose- RelaxHang Tough- Stick With
Hardware- WeaponsHave A Buzz On- Was Slightly Intoxicated
Have Good Vibes- Feel Good AboutHave It All Together- Feel Mentally All There
Heave- VomitedHigh- Intoxicated On Drugs Or Alcohol
Hip-Shooter- Always Talk Without ThinkingHit- Successful
Hole Up- HideHoncho- Boss
Hot- StolenHuffy- Angry
Hungry- Eager To Make MoneyHustle- Hurry Up
Hyped- ExcitedHyper- Over Excited
I.D.- IdentificationIn- Fashionable
In Deep- Deeply InvolvedIn The Bag- Settled
Intense- SeriousJam- Trouble
Jock- An AthleteJohn- Bathroom
Joint- Cheap BarJunkie- Drug Addict
Just Of The Boat- NaiveKegger- Beer Party
Kick- EnjoyKlutz- Stupid And Crazy Person
Knock- CriticizeKnocked Out- Stunning Person
Knuckle Sandwich- Punch In The MouthKook- Strange Person
Laid- Back- Calm And RelaxedLame- An Inadequate
Line- StoryLoser- Annoying And Useless
Make Waves- Cause TroubleMaxed Out- Exhausted
Mean- Performs Well OnMega- Large
Megabucks- A Lot Of MoneyMellow- Calm Down And Relax
Meltdown- Total CollapseMickey Mouse- Nonsense And A Waste Of Time
Mush- NonsenseNark- Drug Police
Neat- GoodNick- Arrested
Nip- A Quick DrinkNo Sweet- No Problem
Nuke- Heat Up In The MicrowaveNuke- Nuclear Weapon
Nut- Crazy PersonNuts- Crazy
Pad- A Place To LivePain In The Neck- Annoying
Paper-Pusher- Bureaucratic Office WorkersParty Animal- Love Parties
Party-Hearty- CelebratePaw- Hands
Peanuts- Practically No MoneyPickled- Intoxicated
Piece Of Cake- Easy To DoPig- Eats Too Much
Pig Out- Eats A Lot Or OvereatPit Stop- Stop And Go To The Bathroom
Plastered- IntoxicatedPooped Out- Quit
Pop- HitPop For Something- Buy
Pro- ProfessionalProd- Reminder
Psyched Up- Mentally ReadyPsycho- Mentally Ill
Puke- VomitPut On- Deception
Quarterback- LeadQuick Buck- Some Easy Money
Rack- BedRack Out- Sleep
Racket- NoiseRag- Newspaper
Rathole- Run Down PlaceRaw- New
Ream Someone Out- Got Angry With SomeoneRed Hot- Important
Repo- RepossessRinky- Drink- Inferior
Riot- FunnyRocks- With Ice
Rough Time- Hard TimeRug- Wig
Rug Rat- ChildrenRule- Dominates
Run Off At The Mouth- Talking Too MuchRun Out Of Gas- Lost Interest
Sack- Go To BedScarf- Ate Quickly
Schmuck- JerkScrew Around- Waste Time
Screw Up- Make A MistakeShot- Try
Shot Down- Disagree WithSlammer- Jail
Smashed- IntoxicatedSmoke Eater- Fireman
Split- LeaveSpook- Frightened
Spud- PotatoesSquare- Old Fashioned
Steamed Up- AngryStink- Is Repulsive
Straight- HonestStressed- Upset
Take A Hide- LeaveTaken- Cheated Out Of
Taking Care Of Business- Doing What I Have To DoThreads- Clothes
Tool Around- Drive AroundTotaled- Completely Wrecked
Up- Happy And CheerfulVeg Out- Relax And Do Nothing
Vibes- FeelingsWad- Bundle Of Money
Wheels- CarWhiz- Talented Person
Wired- AlertWussy- Weak Person
Yukky- BadZapped- Exhaused
Zip- Nothing

Helping a Friend

In our life we all have bad days as well along with good days. In our bad times only, we come to know who all are our real friends, because only a real true friend will come to us in our bad times, this is the time when we feel overwhelmed. Things will come to normal very soon. But this phase of our life will show real faces of our friends.
Problems get us down, we feel tense, fearful, or angry. Friend may not be able to solve our problems but there support make us strong, and help us to come out of the trauma. This support means a lot that time.   
Now its your time to help your friend.   
How can you help?
 Listen to your heart. Go to your friend, even if you don't know what to say. Just being with your friend will give a moral support to your friend. Try to show some concern by giving gestures like take his / her hand in your hand or you can put your hand on his / her shoulders, be gentle.
When your friend feel little comfortable talk to your friend about the problem. Be patience with your friend. Listen each and every word. If your friend is telling same story again and again, listen attentively each time. This repetition is nothing but a part of your friends healing process. Your physical and desire to listen without judging will help your friend a lot. 
Let your friend express his / her feeling without any fear of criticism. 
Understand your friend, take your friends problem seriously. Even if you thing that the problem is not of real importance, it may be important to your friend. Show them you understand, nod your head, pay attention, let your friend know you feel what he / she is going through. 
Avoid cliches, don't say things like " things will be better tommorow". You can also show care and concern by doing small things for your friend like making something to eat for your friend, it may be possible that your friend is not in a mood to have something to eat, but you have to convence your friend to have. 
Divert your friends mind by involving him or her in some day to day work which your friend generally do. Your friend just need to change his or her mind. But remember one thing don't force your friend to remain cheerful. 
It may be possible that your friend will try to stay away from you. But you have to stay in touch with your friend. Don't take this behaviour personally. Reach out to your friend. After doing small things for your friend you will feel happy.

Pen Pals

Pen Pals or PenPals or Pen friends are people who regularly write to each other via postal or emails. 
In pen pal relationship, friends often used to practice reading and writing in a foreign language, to learn more about other countries and their life-styles to make friends and to improve literacy.

Some people remain pen pals for only a short time, while others continue to exchange letters and presents. Some pen pals arrange to meet face to face, sometimes leading to further relationships, or even marriage.

Pen pals come in all ages, nationalities and cultures. Generally pals seek new pen friends based on their own age group, hobby, a specific occupation, or select someone totally different from them to gain knowledge about the world around them.
Now a day’s pals exchange email addresses and communicate through mails instead of paper letters, and by doing this they save time as well as energy. The only disadvantage we see in this is that the communication can be very ephemeral if the email messages are not routinely saved.
Many people prefer to receive paper letters only, they gain satisfaction by seeing their name carefully printed on a thick envelope in the letterbox. Using postal mails, it is possible to trade coupons, swap slips, postcards, stamps as well and anything else like called "tuck-ins" can be exchanged. Many pen friends like to exchange note cards and stationery sets at times.

How to find Pen friends

In a relationship with Pen Pals, one tend to exchange feelings, small things, open up with them, wants to know each other’s cultures and life styles, discuss topics of interest. We have many sites which offer to find pen friend according to your match based on age, sex, country, etc. With growing time, emails are getting popular and resulted in decline in snail mails.
Tips to find a Pen Friends :
Search people in magazines and newspapers who have interest in writing.
You can also refer internet sites to find pen friend according to your match. We have many  sites which offer to find pen friend according to your match based on age, sex, country, etc. Be cautious when you use the internet for such purposes as there are people who may not reveal their correct identity 
Choose your Pen Friend according to your likings, your interests.
Once you have selected person who suits your area of interest contact that person through various mediums of communications and indroduce yourself with that person, invit to be your Pen Friend.
After recieving response from that person, exchange more information. Learn more about that person. Get to know that person. But don't exchange personal details like phone no, address, etc.

If that person suits your area of interset, and you are interested in having friendship with that person, let him / her know in your next conversation, also ask about his / her interest in you. 
If you both are comfortable in having friendship, speak to that person in regular intervals to know more about that persons culture.
Maintain good friendship with your new Pen friend.
Further if you think that you should meet with him / her, go ahead, but don't go alone.

How to maintain Friendship with a Pen Friends

Through Pen friends one can learn foreign languages and cultures. Its a better way to meet different people from different region. A Friendship with a Pen Friend can be maintain by staying in touch through mails, interet, letters, telephonic conversations, etc.

Tips to stay in touch :

 Communicate frequently : To be in touch with your Pen Pals you need to frequently communicate with your Pen pals. To keep the friendship going reply regularly to them. Don't wait for them to write first. Take the initaitive and connect with them through any means.
 Send small small things : Send small small things to share feelings, like pictures, currency or collector's iteam, along with the postal letters.
 Send Presents : Send gifts from your home town, messages printed on it, or any thing representing your home region.
 Share feelings : Like any other friends, share your interest and liking with your Pen Friends, let them know your passions, what you are like a person. Be positive while sharing feelings.
 Plan to meet them : Make plan to atleast meet them once.

Things to keep in mind :
          -   Avoid Touchy topics
          -   Limit your conversation to political matters
          -   Never visit your Pen Friend alone

" Meaning of Friendship Bands "

Friendship Bracelets express feelings of care, affection and Love. These bands play very important role in expressing feelings. Friendship is a relation which is based on trust, feelings and love. These bands not only express feelings but also signifies strong bonds between friends.

Friendship bands are not made of gold or silver rather it is made of ribbons of friendship colours. Colours which says alot, different colours have different meanings. 

In Ancient times, Greek and Roman soldiers used to wear bracelets made of leather straps with gold and silver embellished on it.

Most women followed them by wearing them, but they adjusted the band so that it suit their wrists, thus Bracelets comes to existence. We can say that Friendship Bands are traditional accessory.

As we have different meanings of friendship for different people, friendship bands also have different meanings and significance for different people.

Means Wish : One friend presents or gift friendship band to another friend to fulfill a wish. Friend who is wearing bracelet makes a wish and believes that when bracelet falls off naturally wish will be fulfilled.

Means Sour : Some have a concept that friendship bands are to be worn till the time it falls off naturally or cords are weary. If it is removed prior to that, it means that the relationship proceeded to go sour.

These two concepts are almost vanished in today's world. Now its more of to express feelings for each other by the way of different colours. Some people don't know how to express there feelings, they use these bands to express there feelings for there special ones.

Its is also said that friendship bands are really useful in case of any fight happened between friends. They work as Patch-up tool.
Now a days, people use to gift Friendship Bands to true friends on friendship day, these bands either they made on there own or purchase them from markets. But one thing is common in them that they are gifted with lots of love and feelings embellished on it. Also there is a trend of silver and leather braceletes come in now, on which you can convey any message for your friend, which are available in different disigns and colours.

These are different meanings of Friendship Band for different set of people. Now its for you to cherish your friendship and make your friend feel special.