Some Facts about Lovebirds

Its difficult to determining Lovebird sex. After maturity of one year, they may show signs of whether they are male or female.

Female behavior : Ripping up paper and stuffing it into its feathers 
Male behavior : Regurgitating for its owners, the male feeds the nesting female

Lovebirds live in small flocks. They love to snuggle and often preen their favorite people. Bond they share can form long-term relationships with people. Aggression is easily aroused in lovebirds, like biting when they are not handled gently.

It is preferable not to obtain birds caught from wild, rather obtain birds bred in captivity. As wild birds may be harboring a disease. Wild lovebirds which are captured also may mourn the loss of association with a mate or a flock. Their age is likely to be unknown.

Not all birds talk. If they are taught at a young age, there is a chance they may learn to mimic human sounds. Some lovebirds are noisy at times. Lovebirds are intelligent. Lovebirds enjoy baths and like to sun themselves on daily basis.

Suggestions : It's better to spend quality time with your lovebird, rather than having just one or two interactions every day. Without this interaction, daily exercise,  and many toys to play, they may resort to feather-plucking, screaming, and both behaviors can be difficult to cure. It is suggested that if you are not at home for much time, then you must leave a radio or TV set playing.

Source : wikipedia


  1. Hey Thanks for the information...

  2. This creature has got a vry nice name...........

    Tnx for the facts.

